Melin Cemaes

This mill was built in 1828. That same year improvements were made to the port of Cemaes to accommodate increasing trade with Liverpool and the mill was built with the prospects of this in mind. It was built on land owned by Hugh Williams and in 1842 it was being run by "Messrs Jones & Co", according to the tithe apportionment of that year. By 1851 John Williams had taken over the mill, who ran it for the next two decades. Sometime before 1871 William Rowlands became the main miller, with John Williams still living nearby and assisting with its running. William Rowlands was the son of William Rowlands of Melin Drylliau, whose seven sons and several grandsons all became millers. He ran the mill until his death in 1909, when it was taken over by his nephew John Rowlands.

In 1918 the mill was sold to John Richard Roberts, the son of the well known Anglesey millwright Isaac Roberts. By this time a decreasing number of windmills were still operating, but Melin Cemaes managed to continue by the installation of a diesel engine to drive the millstones. It kept milling throughout the Second World War but eventually closed down in 1946.

It remained in relatively good condition and still had its machinery intact, and was considered for restoration to working order by the Anglesey Council in 1954. However it was decided to restore Melin Llynon instead. After this the machinery was scrapped and the condition of the tower declined through to the late 1970s. At this point the owner received planning permission to turn it into a dwelling, a process that took several years. By the mid 1980s it was being advertised in the Liverpool Echo as a holiday home.

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This is a web site developed by Dr Warren Kovach to celebrate the history of the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales.


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Last modified 16 December, 2024