Past Weather Conditions in Pentraeth

Data collected using a Davis Vantage Vue weather station and Cumulus software. This page is usually updated every 10 minutes.

All data back to November 2005, with readings every ten minutes, are archived on-line at Weather Underground. Click here for more information.

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Updated at UK time 23:50 on 26 July 2024

Temperature and Humidity
High Temperature 18.7 °C at 17:23 
Low Temperature 11.5 °C at 06:02
Temperature Range 7.2 °C  
High Apparent Temperature 19.0 °C at 17:23 
Low Apparent Temperature 11.2 °C at 05:40
Low Wind Chill 10.9 °C at 05:34
High Heat Index 18.7 °C at 17:23
High Humidity 95 % at 00:41 
Low Humidity 68 % at 18:16
Rainfall Today 0.0 mm  
Rainfall Rate Max 0.0 mm/hr at 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall 0.0 mm at 00:00
Days Since Last Dry Day 6  
Days Since It Last Rained 0  
Highest Gust 16.0 mph at 17:39
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 7.0 mph (F2) at 17:42
Wind Run 49.4 miles  
Dominant Direction 243° WSW  
High Pressure (SL) 1010.54 mb at 22:01
Low Pressure (SL) 1006.27 mb at 00:03


Temperature and Humidity
High Temperature 18.6 °C at 17:01 
Low Temperature 14.7 °C at 23:59
Temperature Range 3.9 °C  
High Apparent Temperature 19.9 °C at 17:01 
Low Apparent Temperature 15.7 °C at 20:51
Low Wind Chill 13.1 °C at 20:54
High Heat Index 18.6 °C at 17:01
High Humidity 95 % at 03:35 
Low Humidity 84 % at 17:06
Rainfall Yesterday 7.8 mm  
Rainfall Rate Max 41.8 mm/hr at 20:33
High Hourly Rainfall 6.6 mm at 20:50
Highest Gust 14.0 mph at 03:13
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 5.0 mph (F2) at 16:29
Wind Run 43.5 miles  
Dominant Direction 239° WSW  
High Pressure (SL) 1010.77 mb at 00:58
Low Pressure (SL) 1005.32 mb at 19:22

This Month

Temperature and Humidity
Highest Temperature 22.4 °C 15:51 on 19 July
Lowest Temperature 5.8 °C 05:14 on 08 July
Highest Dew Point 18.9 °C 16:38 on 19 July
Lowest Dew Point 4.9 °C 05:14 on 08 July
Highest Apparent Temperature 24.3 °C 15:51 on 19 July
Lowest Apparent Temperature 4.7 °C 05:14 on 08 July
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature 5.8 °C 05:14 on 08 July
Highest Heat Index 22.4 °C 15:51 on 19 July
Highest Minimum 15.6 °C 19 July
Lowest Maximum 14.8 °C 11 July
Highest Humidity 95 % 04:50 on 02 July
Lowest Humidity 62 % 12:33 on 05 July
Highest Daily Range 12.0 °C 15 July
Lowest Daily Range 2.1 °C 11 July
Highest Rain Rate 41.8 mm/hr 20:33 on 25 July
Highest Hourly Rainfall 6.6 mm 20:50 on 25 July
Highest Daily Rainfall 15.4 mm 06 July
Longest Dry Period 2 days to 05 July
Longest Wet Period 6 days to 25 July
Highest Wind Gust 23.0 mph 10:25 on 04 July
Highest Wind Speed 10-minute Average 7.0 mph 13:05 on 03 July
Highest Daily Wind Run 87.6 miles 04 July
Lowest Pressure (sl) 998.58 mb 05:12 on 06 July
Highest Pressure (sl) 1021.61 mb 22:09 on 23 July

This Year

Temperature and Humidity
Highest Temperature 25.1 °C 14:19 on 26 June
Lowest Temperature -3.4 °C 08:34 on 18 January
Highest Dew Point 20.2 °C 11:58 on 26 June
Lowest Dew Point -4.3 °C 09:06 on 18 January
Highest Apparent Temperature 27.7 °C 14:16 on 26 June
Lowest Apparent Temperature -5.9 °C 08:34 on 18 January
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature -5.4 °C 03:16 on 18 January
Highest Heat Index 25.1 °C 14:19 on 26 June
Highest Minimum 15.6 °C 19 July
Lowest Maximum 4.2 °C 09 January
Highest Humidity 96 % 08:56 on 07 January
Lowest Humidity 53 % 15:23 on 16 April
Highest Daily Range 14.5 °C 06 March
Lowest Daily Range 0.0 °C 02 January
Highest Rain Rate 76.2 mm/hr 12:41 on 15 June
Highest Hourly Rainfall 89.4 mm 00:04 on 10 May
Highest Daily Rainfall 89.4 mm 10 May
Highest Monthly Rainfall 145.4 mm May
Longest Dry Period 10 days to 28 April
Longest Wet Period 13 days to 25 February
Highest Wind Gust 54.0 mph 18:52 on 21 January
Highest Wind Speed 10-minute Average 20.0 mph 18:56 on 21 January
Highest Daily Wind Run 256.6 miles 21 January
Lowest Pressure (sl) 969.73 mb 16:34 on 28 March
Highest Pressure (sl) 1039.62 mb 22:00 on 11 January

All-time records

Since 22 July 2012

Temperature and Humidity
Highest Temperature 33.1 °C at 17:54 on 19 July 2016
Lowest Temperature -5.9 °C at 02:00 on 13 December 2022
Highest Dew Point 24.3 °C at 15:59 on 19 July 2016
Lowest Dew Point -10.8 °C at 00:12 on 12 February 2021
Highest Apparent Temperature 38.4 °C at 17:55 on 19 July 2016
Lowest Apparent Temperature -9.4 °C at 04:33 on 01 March 2018
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature -12.3 °C at 03:47 on 01 March 2018
Highest Heat Index 38.4 °C at 17:55 on 19 July 2016
Highest Minimum 17.5 °C at 05:37 on 07 September 2016
Lowest Maximum -0.7 °C at 15:54 on 01 March 2018
Highest Humidity 98 % at 08:41 on 24 September 2013
Lowest Humidity 22 % at 17:05 on 23 April 2021
Highest Daily Range 20.6 °C on 23 April 2021
Lowest Daily Range 0.0 °C on 31 October 2023
Highest Rain Rate 1440.0 mm/hr at 07:01 on 09 February 2020
Highest Hourly Rainfall 89.4 mm at 00:04 on 10 May 2024
Highest Daily Rainfall 89.4 mm on 10 May 2024
Highest Monthly Rainfall 318.0 mm December 2015
Longest Dry Period 25 days to 15 July 2018
Longest Wet Period 39 days to 22 November 2014
Highest Wind Gust 224.0 mph at 20:32 on 30 March 2017
Highest Wind Speed Average 23.0 mph at 16:20 on 12 February 2014
Highest Daily Wind Run 312.6 miles on 27 December 2013
Lowest Pressure (sl) 956.96 mb at 15:05 on 08 February 2014
Highest Pressure (sl) 1047.96 mb at 10:25 on 20 January 2020

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A book by Warren Kovach, author of this web site
Anglesey Through Time

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This is a web site developed by Warren Kovach to celebrate the history of the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales.


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Last modified 29 January, 2019